Friday, May 21, 2010

A couple more pre-show pics!

We see BW conserving his energy for the 3 sets of fun later in the evening...and the "2 Brians" doing a lovely "self-portrait" before the festivities began...and yes, that's Westlund ducking out of sight behind us!


"The Kids"

The First Show is in the books!!!

Well...we came, we saw and we rocked!!! But what a relief to have the first one behind us. Over all I can't complain, especially for a first show. With having only a handful of rehearsals, the show went great.

Mr. Westlund was rippin' it out for the GIGANTIC (note the sarcasm) Thursday night crowd at the Mainstreet Bar.

I think the highlight for me was seeing the band extend the last 3 songs of the second set to almost 40 minutes after blazing through the first 8 in only 25!

I kid, I kid...but seriously, it was great to see some old friends pop in last night and check out the new band!

I tried to snap off some pics before the show...just to document, or dare I say, "Rockument" the Pesky's first outing! I'll post a couple more in the following post.

Stay Tuned!

And come on out, make the trip to beautiful Annandale, MN on Friday, June 4th!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Just heading to the show!

Brian here...I got my basses tuned up, the truck packed and I am ready to rock! I've gotten some emails from some friends, so I'm hoping to see some familiar faces there tonight. It should be fun...the firsts how for any band is always interesting!

Hope to see you all there.

I'll post a review afterwards...

Rock on,


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The "Kids" are blogging!!!

Hey all...

Brian, Mark & Brian here to welcome you to our blog! Today is the day before our very first show, although the three of us go back more than 15 years from the first time the three of us played together on-stage for the first time. That was back in roughly 1995 at the old Iron Horse in Crystal, MN when Mark jumped on-stage with the two Brians during a "Kings Machine" show.

If memory serves we ripped out a smokin' version of "Misty Mountain Hop" by Led Zeppelin. That was just the "tip of the iceberg" because 5 years later the two Brains joined Mark in "TOUCHED." We reunited again a couple of years ago when we fist started putting together a new project with our former band mate Todd, which unfortunately never materialized. But we then moved on and the two Brians joined Mark in "Common Ground" and from that we bring you: "THEM PESKY KIDS"!!!

This band is about one thing and one thing only: FUN. That we promise you. Every song, every set, every show.

Follow us on this blog and on FaceBook.

More to come soon!

B - M - B