Friday, May 21, 2010

The First Show is in the books!!!

Well...we came, we saw and we rocked!!! But what a relief to have the first one behind us. Over all I can't complain, especially for a first show. With having only a handful of rehearsals, the show went great.

Mr. Westlund was rippin' it out for the GIGANTIC (note the sarcasm) Thursday night crowd at the Mainstreet Bar.

I think the highlight for me was seeing the band extend the last 3 songs of the second set to almost 40 minutes after blazing through the first 8 in only 25!

I kid, I kid...but seriously, it was great to see some old friends pop in last night and check out the new band!

I tried to snap off some pics before the show...just to document, or dare I say, "Rockument" the Pesky's first outing! I'll post a couple more in the following post.

Stay Tuned!

And come on out, make the trip to beautiful Annandale, MN on Friday, June 4th!

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